Thursday, May 3, 2007

week 9 about week 8 lecture

Week 8's lecture was taken by Jason Nelson and was about net art and digital creativity. I have had Jason for one other lecture before in a different subject, and I knew it would be an entertaining lecture, as he is so funny. Anyway, I was familiar with the sort of art he does from that other lecture; and he definitely has some cool ideas. The warning about hackers will probably come in handy to people with their own website as you definitely wouldn't want people putting the sort of stuff on your site that went onto his. In the other subject lecture and the one last week, Jason discussed the fact that the internet is not private, contrary to what people think. I had always thought that the net was an anonymous place, as in people you know can't find out what you're looking up and looking at. A lot of people have made the assumption that your internet activities are secret, but as Jason said, that's not the case. You can definitely be tracked! So I'm glad I don't do dodgy things on the net, haha. Anyway, the most interesting thing about the lecture to me was when Jason was talking about one of his art works, and what it was about. It was a series of moments from advertisements, and he said that he had taken the "hook" moment, so the moment of inspiration in the ads, and put them into a piece of art. I liked it because it seems like such a cool idea, something I wouldn't think to do, so once my attention had been drawn to that, it made me think of ads I knew and what would be the hook moment in them. I thought that was a really original idea, which is good, as he said internet content should be clever and original. That's about it for this week...til next time!

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