Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My First Blog

Wow, my very first blog, how exciting! So it is a blog specifically for the New Communication Technology course, and I'm not really sure what to say, but I'll just talk about my experience of the course so far. Before and even at the start of the first lecture, I didn't really know what the subject was about, it sounded kind of complicated, until it became so obvious; it's all in the title of the subject-new communication technologies. All the new ways to communicate! As I use several of the new ways of communication like iPod's, blogging from today onwards etc, it became less confusing. The lecture was basically an introduction to communication technology, like the uncomlicated Aristotle version of what is communication, and the much more complicated Shannon and Weaver version. It also talked about the good ol' forms of communication technology, like print, telegraph, telephone, radio and cinema. Those things seem so simple to us now, but to think of what incredible inventions they were when they were first invented, and everything they have encouraged now, is pretty amazing. I wonder what the inventors would think of everything that has come of their original products. I liked what Marshall McLuhan said about technology being extensions of the human body, I thought it was an interesting concept. It seemed to me to be kind of saying that the individual person is just as important as the individual piece of technology they are using. And now I'm in my first tute, making my first blog entry on my first ever blog, and to think before this I barely knew what a blog was! It was easy and even fun to make, and I'm quite enjoying posting this blog entry now! I don't have much else to say, and I don't know how long to make these things, but I hope this is sufficient for now! See ya

1 comment:

DAZ said...

hey kirsty, your blog's cool! but u spelt my name wrong.... hahaha love, daryl.