Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 4 lecture written week 5

Greetings from week 5,

There's not a whole lot to say about the last lecture; we had two women, one of them was a former Griffith student, not sure about the other, come in and give a presentation about their job's in PR. It was interesting but didn't really relate to me as I'm not interested in PR. However, it was still interesting to see the contacts they made, and that I can make, through people they became friends with at uni, met on planes etc. You never know who and what has the potential to be a job opportunity! Anyway, the second half of the lecture was the next part of Alphaville. I think we nearly finished it, it was near the end but I don't know if we'll see anymore of it. Anyway, with my new understanding of Alphaville in that I was actually able to watch it knowing what it was about, understanding the characters etc, I found it much more interesting and watchable. The society existing in Alphaville unravelled more to the viewer and to the main character, Lemmy Caution. We saw that people who showed emotion were killed, like the man who cried when his wife died, and we saw that the main female character showed emotion (cried a little bit) when she saw Lemmy in trouble. I liked watching it because I could actually understand it this time!

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